woman on jog with her dog

In the United States, we spend more money by a wide margin than any other country on health care. However, our healthcare system is broken in multiple ways. As it stands now, the American health care system is poorly equipped to help us maximize our healthspan through health and wellness, which is generally the time frame we feel healthy and free from serious disease. Preventative care is one way to mitigate the rising costs of this broken system.

Health care costs in America continue to rise without correlative positive changes in our health status as consumers. It is imperative that we take a proactive role in our own health care by being educated and savvy consumers. Part of being proactive is learning how to care for and manage common non-life threatening injuries and illnesses. The current medical system is not designed to help you to maximize your health and well-being. It is designed to prevent you from dying and to maximize profits for the corporations that control our health care system. Continue reading to discover the 4 reasons why you should take control of your own health and wellness.

  1. Save money – Health care is expensive. Many of the most common treatments and fancy diagnostic methods are not necessary. Costs are only going to rise more in the future as we are seeing this happening right now with catastrophic deductibles and copays. As this occurs, it will be even more important to be able to take care of the simple injuries and illnesses that will save you a lot of time and money!
  2. Better quality care – There is nothing more important than your health and you only get one body to work with. You have complete control of most of the aspects of your life that affect your health status. Educating yourself and your health needs lead to a sense of confidence and empowerment. Sometimes paying out of network or out of pocket gives you a better quality of care for faster and complete recovery than utilizing your in-network benefits. Remember, it is your body and your health and being your own advocate will ensure a better quality of care.
  3. Faster Recovery Time – Often by taking out the middle man, and obtaining direct access to your providers, you can help to increase the speed of recovery. You can preventatively work towards staying out of the ER for non-emergency related issues. You can address the condition and help your body to initiate the healing response to ensure a faster recovery.
  4. Sense of Wellbeing – Take the time to focus on your health. Often, small changes in your diet, activity level, sleep hygiene, stress/anxiety, and relationships can make a big difference. Meditate, stretch, breath, and go outside. You can and should take control of your health and your life!

There is nothing more important than your health.  You have control over most of the aspects of your life that affect your health and wellness.  Take charge, and empower yourself.  You must be your greatest advocate.  Western medicine is designed to keep you alive, not to help you thrive.  Taking a passive role in your health is not a wise choice in America’s current broken health care system.  Only you are responsible for your health and the decisions you make now will determine how successful you age in the future. Kintsugi Physical Therapy can help guide you in the right direction.